
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Rare Hand-Me-Down: The Human American Eagle of WWI

We were visiting my grandma over the weekend when she pulled out the framed picture for my husband to see. I've seen this piece of history many times growing up, but watching my husband's eyes light up with fascination renewed my interest in it and prompted me to share it with you. 

The photo was taken in 1918, in Camp Gordon, Atlanta, GA. It consists of 12,500 officers, nurses, and men -- all posed in the shape of an American eagle! (This information is listed on the photo. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can read it down in the lower corners). I can't even imagine the time it took to organize everybody! 

If you look on the right side of the shield, you'll notice a long shadow; that shadow is the photographers tower! My great-grandfather was a cook -- he is standing along one of the two shield side borders (unfortunately we can't remember which side). 

Someday I would love to scan the actual photo, but for now is it resting safely beneath framed glass and waiting to be proudly hung on the wall. 

I find this just amazing!!!!!

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